Print - Image Size   15"  x  21 1/4"
200 Limited Edition - SOLD OUT
20 Artist Proofs - SOLD OUT
Original - $2900.00 - SOLD
(* additional shipping and handling and tax when applicable)

While trying to commit to memory the 18 Watch Out Situations and the 10 Standard Fire Orders, during my first Fire Fighter Safety and Survival course, the easiest to remember was the 18th watch out situation.  I thought it odd that you would have to tell fire fighters not to take a nap on the fireline.  Although I found cutting line to be exhausting work I never imagined taking a nap.  Years after, I often times pondered the idea that  there were more problems than one with napping near the fire.  Without question, having the fire overrun you while you were dreaming would be the most severe, but I could picture other things such as a variety of encounters with different wildlife.  What would happen if they were overly curious and hungry at the same time?  When my brother, who is also a fire fighter, showed up with his new pet raccoons - I knew I had to have them pose for me so I could create in a painting what I had for such a long time seen in my imagination.

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