Print - Image Size  23" x 17"
200 Limited EditionSOLD OUT
20 Artist Proof - SOLD OUT
Original - SOLD
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Over hunting, decreasing habitat and disease all but drove the American Plains Buffalo to the brink of extinction.  Our country is home to a vast array of large game animals, each with its own unique shape and markings; pound for pound the buffalo is the largest of them all and to me the most enjoyable to paint.

Of all the times I viewed these animals in the wild, photographed, drawn & painted them - the one I used for this painting I found in captivity.  He was losing the last of his winter coat and appeared to be relishing the warmth of the spring sun.  I painted him without the fence, without anything that would lead you, the viewer, to believe he wasn’t free.  I painted him without any background;  I didn’t want anything to distract the viewer from actually experiencing the magnificence of this animal. His size was staggering, he dwarfed the other buffalo that shared his pen - without a doubt he deserved the title Giant.

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